Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Student Video Analysis 3

At the beginning of the student video they have used a panning shot of a bedroom with a black and white filter. They have filmed the whole video in black and white. The original video of Jessie J is shot in a bedroom so it is clear that they have taken inspiration from it. The have chosen to use two different actresses; one playing they artist and the other playing a character in the video. The girls playing the artist dose not seem completely confident in her role and it comes across a bit uncomfortable in the begging of the video. However, further into the video this goes away, her lip-syncing is done to a good standard with only a few moments of delay.  It seems that they have used a torch to create a circular light to emphasise the character in the video and this has created a large shadow, which highlights the theme of the video thus matching the lyrics.  They have mainly used a standard medium shot to film the majority of the video with a few side shots and over the shoulder shots. The Singer has three different costumes; one being a white/cream dress and the other is a pair of black jeans and a coat. Further into the video she also has a different coat and a new hairstyle. The use of two different costumes works well as when they changed location the costume also changes. For the majority of cuts they have used a fade or soft cut. All the shots move smoothly, however there is one point in the video where the whole frame goes out of focus for a couple of seconds and seems unnecessary to the video. The video has been filmed in black and white and this usually portrays something that has happened in the past, this could suggests that the story they are trying to portray is about emotions in the past but this isn’t very strongly portrayed. They have used 3-4 different locations to film the video, the main two being the bedroom and by the water fountain. By having multiple locations it makes the video a lot more interesting to watch. The character’s facial expression fits well with they sad theme of the video and she has played the role to a proficient standard. They have mainly used the standard medium shot, and the majority of the time the camera is steady. However, at the end on the closing scene it is slightly unsteady and breaks the softness of the video.  Overall the video has been done to a good standard and tells a basic story. If they was to do it again I would recommend trying out using different shot types and maybe some effects to show their technical skills more.  

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